No one gets along with everyone, but when you can’t stand an annoying coworker, it can make work unbearable.

Is polyamory all about sex? Is it legal? Is everyone doing it? We answer 7 common questions about polyamory.

Could tweets about mental health and The Bachelorette be the beginning of the end of therapy stigma?

How do you know if you're in a codependent relationship? Check out these warning signs.

We've probably all been guilty of phubbing. Here's how it can hurt our partners and friends—plus, some tips on how to stop.

Here are examples of the ways narcissists treat their romantic partners. Plus, how to know if you're in a narcissistic relationship, and how to deal with it and heal.

If you've experienced excessive attention, texts, calls, and gifts at the start of a relationship, you may have been love bombed. Here are seven signs of love bombing to watch for.

Dating and social interactions can be a struggle for anyone—and especially for people with avoidant attachment style or AVPD avoidant personality disorder in relationships.