Believe it or not, there is good stress. Find out how short-term stressors bring us focus and energy and protect us from danger. Also, learn the warning signs of chronic stress.

No one gets along with everyone, but when you can’t stand an annoying coworker, it can make work unbearable.

Stress or anxiety disorder? Occasional stress is normal, but if you’re constantly freaked out, it might be something more serious, like an anxiety disorder.

When my life fell apart, a progressive therapist put me back together. Until I aged out of private insurance.

Do the holidays stress you out? Yep, us too. These five practical tips may help reduce your stress so you can experience more joy.

Is it OK to text your therapist? Texting with a therapist a couple times a day sounds like super convenient. But is text therapy actually effective?

Living with PTSD can be a waking nightmare. Read about flashbacks and other signs and symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), along with the essential steps to take to recover.

People who set New Year’s resolutions are more likely to achieve their goals, compared to those who don't declare their desires to make a change. Here's how to create New Year's resolutions that get results.

Ever wonder why therapy is so important for mental health and how we can be sure it works? Here's science-backed info on why and how clients are helped by their therapists—and what to expect when you go to therapy.

Learn how to turn daily activities into opportunities to practice mindfulness.