What makes us unhappy? From years' of clinical experience, I summed up three main factors that contribute to our mood issues: unhealthy relationships, unhealed trauma, as well as unmet inner needs. Hi, I'm Yuxi, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Washington state. I work primarily with couples and individuals wanting help with depression, anxiety, trauma healing and relationship issues. I got my MSW degree from University of Washington in 2013. I strive to provide person-centered care with every aspect of the counseling experience. My vision is to journey through therapy with my clients toward a greater sense of synergy, self-worth, inspiration, learning, and a true authentic life. Past clients have described my style as authentic, thought-provoking and warm. I love being a mirror for the parts of you that are already resilient, healthy, and determined to thrive. My approach is to be the revealer, cultivating a reflective space of one's brightness with attentive listening, compassion, patience, and integrity. The goal is that, in time, one can recognize and walk through clouds of imprints and conditions, and align with one's whole presence and uncover endless possibilities. Please email me at yuxicounseling@gmail.com to inquire availability. 到底是什么让我们不快乐?根据多年的临床经验,我总结出三个困扰我们情绪的主要原因:不健康的人际关系、未疗愈的心理创伤、未满足的心理需求。 你好,我是Yuxi, 是一名目前在华盛顿州执业的心理咨询师。我致力于服务大西雅图地区的华语人群,帮助华人群体增进心理健康、改善人际关系、疗愈心理创伤,更好地适应在异国的生活。 我于2013年从华盛顿大学社会工作专业(精神健康方向)硕士毕业,拥有在当地医院和社区心理咨询部门的多年工作经验,拥有大量临床经验。 我提供人本主义的个人咨询和婚姻咨询,我帮助来访者改善各种情绪问题,包括抑郁、焦虑、心理创伤治疗、人际关系改善等。 过去的来访者对我的评价是“真诚、温暖且发人深思”。我希望能通过心理咨询,帮你发挥出内在的心理修复力,过上更积极的生活,拥有更健康的人际关系。 心理咨询需要来访者和咨询师的共同努力才能发挥最大效力。咨询过程中,我会布置作业,帮助你切实地去改变。 同时,我已完成戈特曼婚姻咨询二级培训,在婚姻咨询中,我会使用戈特曼疗法帮助伴侣改善关系。 (戈特曼教授(John Gottman)自二十世纪七十年代开始研究婚姻生活,是全美知名的循证婚姻治疗心理学家,著有《幸福的婚姻》、《爱的八次约会:创造一生的亲密关系》、《爱的博弈》、《幸福婚姻七法则》、《培养高情商的孩子》、《人的七张面孔》等全球畅销书籍。) 我的治疗专长为:压力管理、情绪管理、原生家庭探索、心理创伤疗愈、人际关系、沟通技能、跨文化适应、自我认同议题等。 欢迎您进行咨询,我的邮箱是:yuxicounseling@gmail.com,期待您的来邮。