I am currently on maternity leave until July 5, 2021 www.SweetPeacePerinatal.com Sweet Peace Perinatal Well-Being exists to help women and children regain emotional wholeness after experiencing trauma during the perinatal period, or the weeks before and after giving birth. Traumatic events can include anything from a painful labor, a traumatic childbirth and recovery, to a devastating pregnancy loss or stillbirth. Sometimes infertility, bonding concerns, postpartum depression, adoption or health problems can cause unresolved trauma…even years later. Have you experienced any of these? We can discuss your needs and how EMDR therapy can help. Maybe you are experiencing the negative effects of a difficult childbirth, a pregnancy loss, or stillbirth. Sometimes infertility, bonding concerns, postpartum depression, adoption, or health problems can cause unresolved trauma…even years later. And you might also worry about the future. I am honored to come alongside parents and children who are seeking healing from the trauma they have experienced. Talk-therapy is important, but sometimes it is not enough. That’s where I come in. As an EMDR therapist, I help uncover the trauma that our bodies sometimes store. With my help, my clients find healing, wholeness, and peace again.
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