Are you in a relationship that's manipulative? Or are you unsure and need some clarity? If you've recently left a challenging relationship, I'm here for you and can be a guiding and healing hand. Relationships are an intricate dance, and we all have moments of imperfection; however, those missteps leave us feeling drained, hurt and afraid. You may feel like you're sacrificing your own needs in order to please your partner. You don’t want them to feel any discomfort even if it' costs of your own well-being. But, amidst all your selfless efforts, you don't feel loved in return. You hope that it will change, but it never does. Now, let's imagine an alternative path and relationship - one where warmth and understanding flourish. A world where healthy relationships are built on trust, respect, honesty, and kindness. In this space, perfection is not the goal, but rather, a profound and deep connection that truly highlights both partners' strengths are what you strive for. Learning the signs of manipulation and cultivating a mindset of resilience will bring you hope, empowerment, and healing. With over 13 years of training, education, and experience, I've been honored to help others recover and heal from manipulative relationships. Healing IS possible!