Thanks for dropping in. I love to pinpoint why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works. And why IT'S ALWAYS WORKING. It's working perfectly -- just as it's been programmed to -- at this very moment within each and every one of us. We're all using this mega-power every second of the day, although we may not even realize it. Or maybe many of us do. So we might as well use it rightly. Re-Programmed correctly, it creates ever-lasting great habits, "effortlessly getting ridda" the old and worn out that no longer serve us, or never did. Examples of worn out / burn out: obsessively awed by the one who doesn't feel the same way about you, or (similarly) never fully investing in your own life plan? Bored, stuck on fantasizing, floundering, too embarrassed / scared to take a leap, and or feel there's an un-fillable void inside, or always comparing yourself to others, maybe even to a bird with a broken wing? Don't know which way to turn? Make bad choices? Don't trust yourself, as a result. Feel like nobody gets you. Keep waiting for the perfect love, mentor or miracle?- it comes to everyone else but you! When it doesn't show up as planned, do you feel a compulsion to self-soothe, maybe as the life of the party on the path to obliteration?- feel foolish and useless the next day? Or perhaps you're so stuck on your knee-jerk reactions to your environment, and to bewildered workmates and loved ones, so much that you fall into bed at night, exhausted as you continue to rail at your own bad luck and the world around you? Still, I'll bet many reading this are quite adept at riveting negative thoughts on everything you said and did wrong that day. Ruminating about each and every nuance - bashing yourself -- until blissful sleep finally arrives, then pick it up without missing a beat when you open your eyes in the morning. There are so many reasons to try therapy. And very few not to. Grant yourself the freedom to explore the person you are, from a different lens this time. Explore the trauma that incited the harsh reality that TEMPORARILY roots us humans. TEMPORARY, because us humans are surprisingly resilient. TEMPORARY, because the joy of RECOGNITION of SELF LOVE -- when it seeds, and it invariably does in good therapy -- replaces fear as it blossoms. As if a lightbulb goes off!- even hardcore, ingrained TEMPORARY realities aka symptoms can change, for you and those around you. Change can seemingly happen in a heartbeat when backed by a flood of emotion based on the surety of newfound insight and knowledge. Caveat: It's you who must exude the willingness - that head to toe feeling of I-am-so-ready-to-receive the best! - for therapy to maximally work. I love Cog-B because the space of an hour lets me demonstrate that its simple but brilliant "short n sweet" repetitiveness WORKS. Try something new, or if you will age-old, with a magical twist. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is your magic wand. For the taking. Therapy must be fun, for new HEALTHY habits to stick. C'mon, change your life! Como magia! I have a unique sense of humor, gentle. Such, that I promise you'll barely notice when you've told me what's realllly eating at you. Embarrassment to the wind will become your motto. Embarrassment is senseless and incites fear. Instead, let dreams manifest. As Self-Love grows -- in therapy -- embarrassment fades. That's the magic of Cog-B! Just one GOOD overriding thought, repeated and believed, NATURALLY overshadows conflicting others. Replacement therapy -- or Cog-B's rethink it therapy -- is the golden key. It spiritually beckons with its call to higher evolvement. It's been scientifically proven -- based on brain plasticity -- and proven to heal. Just as light illuminates, Cog-B used rightly self-evidences Love of Self. Pure enjoyment of self, i.e., being comfortable in one's own skin -- replaces embarrassment and fear. Why not let me guide you to: form new brain pathways, change your autopilot, your automatic reflexes and emotions, your autonomic internal reactions. Come and grant yourself THE TENDENCY TO A CHARMED LIFE. Como magia! Maybe you'd like three wishes granted? Okay, so come with three goals. Bienvenidos! Just come with an open mind. Thanks once more for dropping in, but before you leave I'd like you to know a few things about me: I have experience with internal and external stressors of maverick entrepreneurship as well as the corporate world -- from developing a business plan to founding a multi-faceted operation, tending to kids and aging family members, drug and alcohol abuse, supporting children and adults with physical and other limitations - and those who've been diagnosed, or haven't, with Autism. Helping to ensure that over-thinking teens and young adults get into college, and remain there. . . and HELPING TO INCREASE THE DIGNITY AND CONFIDENCE OF THOSE WHO ARE ELIGIBLE FOR MEDI-CAL INSURANCE... SERVING YOU IS MY PLEASURE. ACCEPT MEDI-CAL. SE HABLA ESPANOL. INTERMEDIO HISPANO HABLANTE.
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