Hello, and thanks for visiting my profile. I am an outspoken advocate and proponent of counseling / therapy for a wide range of conditions - from anxiety to depression to trauma to every-day individual or family stresses. As a certified grief counselor with additional specialization in issues related to gender and sexuality, and even more so as an individual who has dealt with my own fair share of personal / family joys and challenges, I'm a firm believer that each and every one of us has a story that deserves to be heard. You might recognize the phrase, "Don't sweat the small stuff." I say DO sweat the small stuff if it's bothering you. In my therapy office, no concern that's on your mind is too big or too small. My primary emphasis in emergency medicine and decades of experience as a university professor, dean, and corporate trainer - not to mention spouse, parent, sibling, and friend - bring a broad perspective to my work as a therapist. Although my practice is based in Narrative Therapy, I take an eclectic approach to find what's best for the individuals I'm working with at any given time in their journey. Please call for a free consultation, and let's decide whether our working together would be a good match for you.