Hi! While it is necessary to introduce myself according to my education, experience, licensing, and specializations, it's more important to let you know that I am a human first. I live life just like you and experience parenting pitfalls, marriage challenges, financial quandaries, and all the other stuff that life is made of. My role in your life isn't to tell you what to do or how to do it. It is to use the clinical skills I've learned, the wisdom I've gained, and my clinical experience to help you navigate and heal from the "stuff" in your life. As for my credentials, I have a Master's of science (MS) in Mental Health Counseling from a CACREP Accredited University. I am a nationally recognized Board-Certified Counselor (NCC), a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the State of Texas, and a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) in the state of New Mexico. I am a Certified Personality Disorder (C-PD) specialist and a trained EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) provider. I am also trained in Co-Parenting Counseling, Circle of Security Parenting©, ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), and interventions specific to the treatment of trauma and eating disorders. While I often use and believe in the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral and solution-focused interventions, I identify as an eclectic and holistic-oriented therapist. In other words, I don't subscribe to a "one size fits all" method. Instead, I draw from various skills and models to best meet your needs. My definition of a holistic approach is that all things in life are connected to achieve long-term emotional wellness. Therefore, we need to consider everything that makes us, us (i.e., physical wellness, family dynamics, eating and sleep habits, work environment, past traumas, etc.). My specializations include working with individuals and families affected by personality disorders and serious mental illness, attachment and intimacy issues, working with couples and individuals (16 and up) with relationship problems related to sex and intimacy, parenting, co-parenting and divorce transition, general marital distress, anxiety and depression symptoms, stress, body image and eating issues including bulimia and anorexia, simple and complex trauma, grief/loss, career transition, and phase of life difficulties. In addition to general adult counseling, I also run a Circle of Security parenting group. I use Circle of Security Parenting© and parenting psychotherapy to help parents discover new ways to connect with their children (from infant to adult) to develop healthy long-term attachments and/or create lasting repairs to restore broken family relationships. Healthier families = healthier children = healthier, happier, and more productive classrooms, communities, and homes. I am passionate about my calling as a psychotherapist because it allows me to work with a wide range of individuals from all walks of life. I make no apologies for my belief in God or my desire to offer faith-based services when desired. However, ALL are welcome in the haven of my office regardless of sexual orientation, religious background, ethnicity, gender, or political affiliation. Thank you for stopping by; I look forward to working with you!
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