I have taken a meandering path in my career, starting as a technical writer in Washington, D.C., serving in the U.S. Peace Corps for two years, then completing a master’s degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology at Naropa University in Boulder, CO. I’ve been a licensed professional counselor (LPC) since 2012 and have worked with children, families and adults in a variety of settings. As a therapist, I want to help those who have been marginalized strive for equity and autonomy. I've lived a lot of places, done a lot of different things and met a lot of really interesting people along the way. I believe that often it is our differences that ENHANCE our relationships and enrich our lives. If you spent your childhood (or entire life!) being told that you are not okay (or not good enough) and you internalized those beliefs as the truth, let me help you eradicate those negative beliefs, release the fear of failure that keeps you small and discontent, celebrate your unique gifts that you bring to the world, and unleash the strength within to create a beautiful life.