Have you left a toxic relationship and feel emotionally demolished? Do you struggle to leave a toxic relationship that feels chaotic? Are you terrified of entering a new relationship because all you seem to attract are toxic partners? Your partner gaslights you, leaving you feeling emotionally terrorized. You want to find tools to help you get past feeling stuck from all of this. You're ready to set boundaries without guilt and recognize the red flags You might not even recall a time things did not feel this way. But one thing is for sure: you are ready for some relief. You are ready to end toxic patterns that left you wounded. Clients come to me looking for a therapist that understands the complexities of a toxic relationship and the aftermath that it can leave with you such as feelings of depression, anxiety, exhaustion, and trauma. And we always go at your pace, never pushing to a place you do not feel ready. As an experienced clinically trained clinician that has extensive training in trauma. I am a therapist that will be able to deliver clear and concise skills you can integrate in your life. You don’t have to continue to be in relationships that may be toxic. Call me today for a 15-minute free consultation. I can’t wait to hear from you.