Clinician Headshot

Risper Wangari

Marriage and family therapy The Love Seat Counseling & Life Coaching
Available this week
Specialties: Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Relationship Issues, Marital and Premarital,


I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Marriage & Family Therapist (MFT), and the founder of The Love Seat Counseling & Life Coaching (providing counseling services in fort worth, Texas). I have a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy along with advanced Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and Gottman Method training. I have a passion for helping individuals heal from complex trauma and distressed relationships. I was drawn to these specific specialties because they touch me personally and are so prevalent in today’s society. I am honored to walk with you as you navigate the rough terrain of trauma to the path of joy and freedom. The stories we often tell ourselves can be negative and self-destructive creating negative patterns in our beliefs, view of self, behaviors, communication, relationships, and daily lives. We self-sabotage because the stories we tell ourselves say – “you are not good enough”, “you are unworthy”, “you are not_______enough” (fill in your blank) leaving us feeling alone, overwhelmed and disconnected. I am honored to have the opportunity to be part of your story and guide you along the way in writing the life story you deserve. I am also super passionate about healing relationships! I have always been fascinated with relationships and count it pure joy to be able to help you create and strengthen the meaningful relationships in your life. As humans, we are wired for connection, belonging, safety and all the yumminess that relationships bring. Often, relationships are stuck in negative cycles that lead to disconnection, poor/lack of communication, infidelity, lack of trust and many other challenges. I enjoy working with couples to help them identify and change hurtful relationship patterns, understand each other better and learn relationship skills. Together we can work on rewriting your love story so that it can become the love story that you have always longed for. Healing and change happen through relationships when we feel secure and loved. As your therapist, my goal is to provide you with a safe, secure, non-judgmental atmosphere so that the growth and change you seek can occur. I create a safe space that stems from compassion, trauma informed care and culturally sensitive counseling. I offer in-person counseling services in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex; virtual counseling in the state of Texas and Life Coaching for those located outside of Texas and the United States. I am honored to have the opportunity to be part of your story and guide you along the way in writing the life story you deserve.


  • Accepting new clients
  • Available on nights
  • Offers free consultation
  • In-person & telehealth appointments
  • Accepts online payments


Additional focus areas

Treatment Approaches

Population focus

Appointment types

  • Individuals
  • Couples
  • Families

Age groups

  • Young Adults (18-24)
  • Adults (24+)


  • English

Payment options Free intro call available

Pay with insurance

Looking for practitioners who accept insurance?

Pay out-of-pocket

  • 50 minute session $150


Alliance Office
Fort Worth, TX 76177-1527
Video Office

Frequently asked questions

Is Risper Wangari accepting new clients and do they offer online appointment requests? Risper Wangari is currently accepting new clients and can be booked on the Monarch website. Risper Wangari also offers a free consultation.
Does Risper Wangari offer telehealth appointments? Risper Wangari does offer telehealth appointments. You can request to book a telehealth appointment with them on their Monarch profile.
What areas does Risper Wangari specialize in? Risper Wangari specializes in the following areas: Abandonment, Anxiety, Depression, Family Conflict, Marital and Premarital, Relationship Issues, Sexual Abuse, Stress, Trauma, and Work Stress.

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