I am a master's level Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and I have been helping people with traumatic pasts since 1994. I am passionate about helping people of all ages live full and healthy lives. I have worked in a variety of settings, (office, in-home, schools) including in the field as a first responder where I provided psychological first aid to children, families, and adults who witnessed or were victims of violence or experienced natural disasters. I am a co-owner and co-founder of Pecan Creek Ranch. We provide counseling services for children, teens, adults, families, and couples. We also provide consultation and training for professionals who practice equine-assisted psychotherapy (EAP), and consultation and training for organizations that want to develop healthier relationships within and outside of their organization and healthier systems. I am dually certified in Natural Lifemanship, a Trauma-Focused Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy Model, as a clinician and an equine professional, and I am trained in two evidence-based treatment models, Child Parent Psychotherapy and Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I have over ten years of experience providing Child Parent Psychotherapy, a model that focuses on helping parents and children five years of age and younger who have experienced interpersonal traumas, such as domestic violence. I have over twenty years of experience providing Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a gradual exposure model, to children ages four to eighteen. I have provided consultation in both models and conducted numerous trainings on the impact of trauma on children and adolescents. One of my areas of interest is dissociation and how individuals use this strategy to cope with severe trauma. I have received additional training in the assessment and treatment of traumatized children and adolescents who have dissociative symptoms and disorders. Helping people trust their bodies again and feel at home in them is one of my greatest joys. I was one of the authors of the NCTSN white paper on complex trauma, as well as one of the authors of Complex Trauma in Children & Adolescents, published in Psychiatric Annals in 2005. My work with children led me to become an author. Although I have always written for fun, I began writing stories to facilitate the healing of my young clients. Stories are a non-threatening way to provide information and engage children in conversation. I enjoy writing stories for children that help children heal, grow, and learn about themselves and the world around them. Many of the books I write are designed to help children who have experienced traumatic events. These books are just as helpful to parents who are trying to help their children as they are to professionals who work with children. I hope that my stories are enjoyable for all ages and provide children and adults with the opportunity to talk about difficult but important subjects. I am passionate about helping children understand their own and another person's worldview, to understand the experiences either they have had, or other people have had, to help them feel less alone in the world, and increase their compassion for themselves and others.
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