i see both New York and Massachusetts residents. I understand that you just want to fulfill your goals in life and be happy, but you feel stuck. Maybe it is due to a loss, a bad relationship, poor self-image, or an illness. Nevertheless, you have strayed off course and have run out of answers on how to fix it. You're sick of the same old story and realized that you have lost yourself in the shuffle. You just need some help to get back to your true self. I can assist you in therapy by peeling away the layers of yourself that no longer serve you. Therapy is meant to help people move closer to their potential. I take a psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral approach in therapy to help break down your defense mechanisms and cognitive distortions that are blocking your happiness. After the initial assessment, the main focus turns to developing a strong therapeutic relationship and achieving your goals. When you no longer want to let that loss, broken relationship, poor self-image, or chronic diagnosis stop you, I'm ready to help. Take the first step to getting back on track by calling or emailing me today so we can schedule your first session.