Born and raised in Oklahoma, I’m a Cherokee native. I’m a wife of 25 years, a mom of 3 zany young adults, a therapist and a fellow trauma survivor. I graduated with a Master of Arts in Marriage & Family Therapy from Southern Nazarene University. After graduation, I worked with a community mental health agency in the school system for several years. There I focused on students, littles and teens, who were kids from hard places. Many were adopted, in foster care or being raised by other family members while struggling to make sense of the twists and turns their life had already presented. Then I joined a wonderful group practice and began working with adults and older teens, focusing on how difficult experiences continue to present in our life long after we’ve survived them. Now in my own practice, I work with adults, helping to lower anxiety, and increase personal power to overcome negative experiences by releasing charged emotional material. I am an Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Consultant-in-Training, with a focus on early trauma experiences. I am also trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Chronic Pain Management.