Difficult emotions can feel like heavy clouds casting shadows over every aspect of your life, keeping you stuck and unable to experience life fully. Whether you are struggling with overthinking, emotional turmoils, or unhealthy coping behaviors, effective therapy provides an authentic space for you to process unhelpful thoughts and emotions that you find difficult discussing with others, gain insights into your circumstances, explore coping strategies, so as to reclaim control over your mental health. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and National Certified Counselor specializing in stress and anxiety, cross cultural adjustment challenges, grief, and depression. Prior to becoming a licensed mental health professional, I worked internationally and subsequently in Greenville for over two decades in fast-paced, high-stress environments such as news, search consulting, and church ministry. I also served as a lay counselor at my large church between 2015 and 2021. Leveraging on my unconventional mix of diverse professional experiences and training in mental health, I walk alongside my clients of all backgrounds with nonjudgmental curiosity and openness, a commitment to understand and connect, and an instinct to ask sincere and bold questions to invite self discovery and insight. I offer individual therapy in English, Mandarin Chinese, and on a case by case basis, Japanese. I look forward to having the privilege of supporting you on your journey of healing and personal growth. Contact me for an obligation-free phone consultation and let's chat. 我持南卡罗莱纳州心理咨询师执照,主要针对焦虑、抑郁、跨文化适应障碍、丧亲哀伤等临床问题进行咨询与治疗(面对面或网上形式皆可)。若有需要,请安心致电或发邮件咨询。 南カロライナ州のメンタルヘルス.カウンセラーのライセンスを持っていて、主に不安障害、うつ病、異文化適応障害、喪失感などの問題を抱える方々をサポートしています。シンガポールの生まれ育ちですが、東京外国語大学の日本語·地域研究科卒で、日本のテレビ局(シンガポール支局)の職歴を持っています。日本語と英語を交えたセラピーでもよければ、お気軽に電話あるいはメールでご相談ください。