I want you to imagine leaving your home in the morning and navigating the busy roads to work. You’re tired, hardly focused, and dreading the day ahead. You pull into your employer’s parking lot, taking a deep breath. You grab your work things and walk towards the office. You stop, frozen in the sea of mental waves, a thousand thoughts crashing into one another, unable to organize them. Everything stops for a moment, a beacon of clarity forms in the distance, and you can hear one calm thought. You ask yourself, “am I on the right path?” We all ask ourselves this question at some point in our lives. Trauma, depression, anxiety, and relationship problems can amplify everyday stress. But, you’re not alone on this journey. Like a samurai with no master – RONIN – you can find a new lease on life, be the warrior you are meant to be, living an honorable, courageous and purposeful life. I can help you find your true path. I use evidence-based and non-traditional practices to generate a plan as a team. I will help you tackle the things that hold you back from your best life. I make therapy convenient and easy. I am featuring flexible scheduling and telehealth services.