Clinician Headshot

Michelle Couey, LICSW

We've used a trusted third-party service to verify this practitioner's license.
Therapist/Owner of Elite Center for Change Elite Center for Change - Michelle Couey, LICSW
Available this month
Specialties: Anxiety, Depression, Divorce, Self Esteem, Life/Work Stress,
Insurance: BlueCross and BlueShield, TEXT today to discover your copay amount


________________________________________________ Does it seem like everyone else has life all figured out and has it all together? Has the romance left your relationship or you’re not even sure you like your partner anymore? Are you struggling getting your kids to complete homework, chores, or even going to bed without conflict? Or maybe you’re going through a big life change like divorce, change of career or loss of a loved one? ….. It's time to stop wishing what COULD be and start focusing on what CAN be. _________________________________________________ My passion is working with individuals that feel stuck in situations they feel unable to change. I can help those that feel overwhelmed and stuck in unhappiness. I will help you see through the pain and disappointment of life and relationships. I will help you develop healthy relationships with friends, coworkers, and family. I will help you reduce anxiety, gain confidence in parenting, marriage, and yourself. Start LOVING your life! Stop settling and START BEING HAPPY AND CONFIDENT. I CAN HELP! I am a Licensed Social Worker with a Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Alabama. I have served North Alabama as a counselor for many years and feel extraordinarily grateful to be able to offer services to you. My style of counseling is highly interactive, solution-focused that uses a casual, yet professional approach combined with humor and practical advice. I do more than just listen. I will provide you with the tools you need to make long term positive changes. When people ask me what I do for a living, I often say “I am in the business of making people happy”…it is time for you to be one of those happy people. Request an appointment today. _________________________________________________ “Life can present unexpected challenges for us all. Sometimes those challenges are too overwhelming to solve on your own. While asking for help may seem difficult, it can be the best place to start. Most of my clients wish they wouldn't have waited so long to seek help. Together we can take steps to help you live the life you deserve. I am here to help when you are ready.” - Michelle Couey, LICSW __________________________________________________ WE MAKE SCHEDULING YOUR FIRST SESSION EASY: Text YOUR NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS to 256-229-3535 or SCHEDULE ONLINE by clicking the “Request Appointment” button. I offer both in person and online/video sessions. **Please note** We do not complete disability paperwork or provide testimonies, records for custody and/or divorce cases. We currently do not provide treatment for children, adolescents, or substance abuse/addiction issues. __________________________________ If you are trying to reach Kelli Wright, please text her directly at 256-584-2119.


  • Accepting new clients
  • In-person & telehealth appointments
  • Accepts insurance


  • LICSW #1195-1595C (AL) We've used a trusted third-party service to verify this practitioner's license.
  • LICSW #1195-1595C (AL)
We've used a trusted third-party service to verify this practitioner's license.


Additional focus areas

Treatment Approaches

Population focus

Appointment types

  • Individuals
  • Couples

Age groups

  • Young Adults (18-24)
  • Adults (24+)
  • Elders (65+)


  • English

Payment options

Pay with insurance

Michelle Couey, LICSW accepts these insurance providers. What you pay depends on your plan.
  • BlueCross and BlueShield
  • TEXT today to discover your copay amount

Pay out-of-pocket

Michelle Couey, LICSW has not provided out-of-pocket fees. Get in contact for more information.


In Office Session
496 A Highway 67 South
Priceville, AL 35603-6300
Get Directions
Video Session

Frequently asked questions

Is Michelle Couey, LICSW accepting new clients and do they offer online appointment requests? Michelle Couey, LICSW is currently accepting new clients and can be booked on the Monarch website.
Does Michelle Couey, LICSW offer telehealth appointments? Michelle Couey, LICSW does offer telehealth appointments. You can request to book a telehealth appointment with them on their Monarch profile.
What areas does Michelle Couey, LICSW specialize in? Michelle Couey, LICSW specializes in the following areas: Anxiety, Depression, Divorce, Relationship Issues, Self Esteem, and Women's Issues.

Monarch does not employ any provider and is not responsible for the conduct of any provider listed on our site. All information in member profiles, and messages are created from data provided by the providers and not generated or verified by Monarch. As a user, you need to perform your own diligence to ensure the provider you choose is appropriate for your needs and complies with applicable laws and licensure requirements. Monarch is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice.

Monarch assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable, for the quality or any other aspect of the services a provider may provide to you, nor will Monarch be liable for any act, omission or wrongdoing committed or allegedly committed by any provider.

Articles and information and assessments posted on Monarch are for informational purposes only, and it is not intended to diagnose or treat any health conditions. Treatment and diagnosis should be performed by an appropriate health care provider.