As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and therapist, Laura has worked with many diverse people and life situations. She has now also expanded her practice and services to include life coaching, motivational speaking, and supporting others in healing and transforming their lives. Laura has worked for many years in the capacity of supporting and helping others. In her career as a social worker and therapist, she has been involved in areas of community organization, public awareness, and mental health. Her background includes public speaking, legislative involvement, and private therapy as well as crisis therapy. Laura obtained a BSW (Bachelor’s of Social Work) from the University of Montana, with a minor in Gerontology, and was on the board of directors for the Montana Gerontology Society. She also collaborated with the Montana Geriatric Education Center to promote annual conferences and education on healthy aging in her state. She later earned her MSW (Master’s of Social Work) from Walla Walla University with a focus on addiction and aging, and now has a private practice as a therapist and life coach. Laura has worked with Hospice and the Alzheimer’s Association, and been a guest speaker for the University of Montana Law school and other Montana Legislative groups. Laura has many years of experience in working with people who are overcoming challenges and obstacles which they see as negatively affecting their lives. She believes her clients have the ability and wisdom to find their own path to healing and creating a life of abundance and empowerment. She has supported many people on this journey and feels it is her passion and life’s work to support other’s in creating a life they truly desire. Now combining this background with the DreamBuilder program, Laura is helping clients achieve extraordinary results in accelerated time. She is filled with joy and gratitude as she works with people to transform their lives and close the gap between the life they were living and the life they LOVE living. As a therapist, Laura offers not only empirical and clinical methods of support, but recognizes the individuality of each person and their needs. She is open to multiple therapeutic ideas and approaches, and works to create a safe, supportive place for clients to explore, heal, and recognize strengths for their own sense of empowerment. As a life coach, Laura offers rich interactive workshops that support participants on a journey in which they design, define, test, and experience a crystal clear vision of the life they would love, as well as the Dreambuilder class which delves even deeper into this process. She is dedicated to supporting others in creating a life they feel is in alignment with their highest purpose, and offers a unique opportunity to “step into” the life they are imagining with a resounding “yes”.
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