NOW ACCPETING NEW CLIENTS: Therapy is a space to be heard and understood. I'm passionate about getting to know you and your unique story as we journey towards healing together. Whether you're dealing with past or present struggles, I'm equipped to help you navigate the darker parts of life. Together, we can identify the tools that have helped you in the past and those that are holding you back now. My goal is to provide you with the necessary tools to overcome any obstacle and equip you with new ones to help you. I am a trauma focused provider, which means that I am keenly aware of how our past can be triggering in relationships and create deep wounds that still hurt even around the people we love and trust. In our therapeutic relationship, I navigate carefully and deliberately, ensuring that we have a strong connection of trust before we revisit those past traumas. I am a client-centered therapist and work hard on creating an environment where my clients can feel comfortable and safe. I am a problem solver and will work collaboratively as we move towards your treatment goals. No matter which clinical tool I bring to the room you can expect to have humor where appropriate and work those smile muscles!