Are you noticing lately that your anxiety is getting in the way of living the kind of life you want to live? Avoiding specific things or situations out of fear? Finding that because of this your world is getting smaller? Or do you get stuck in loops of worry and overthinking? You realize a lot of your thoughts are irrational, but you can't seem to shake them? If so, I can help. Figuring out my own anxiety helped me help others. Anxiety can be a tricky thing to sort out on your own. The good news is, that with the right individualized support and strategies, you can get back to living a life more in line with what's important to you...instead of allowing anxious thoughts and sensations to rule your life. Because when it comes to therapy the right fit is so important, I offer complimentary 20 minute consultations to make sure you're in the right spot. I know it's not always easy to get started, so rest assured that I'll lead the way, walk you through the steps to getting started, and make sure that we work together in a way that's most comfortable for you. I invite you to send me a message by contact form or to request an appointment by looking at my calendar.