First and foremost, what I do is about YOU! The fact that you are reading this says amazing things about the measurable quality of wholeness & excellence you have determined to possess; life should be deeply satisfying & fulfilling. No one has ever lived a life, where at some point, we look around & find we are somewhere we did not intend to be. Therapy is THE gift that allows you to tap into the resources that you already possess, which need to reconnect with your authentic self - where all of your inner values, intentions, and dreams are aligned & moving you towards the life you deserve to live. For two decades I have immersed myself in the education, the training, the experience of working with people like yourself. My passion is to help you maximize your full potential! The therapeutic process determines specific personal needs, by analyzing the current situation, identifying existing challenges, and devising a plan of action to achieve specific outcomes. I have a heart for creating genuine, trusting relationships. Together we can create empowering meaning out of problems, discover your hidden strengths, and change limiting beliefs; we can create a greater vision of what is possible; I want to work with you while providing a safe space to share your concerns and express yourself freely.