Dr. Jeffrey Huttman is a licensed clinical psychologist practicing in the field of substance abuse and mental health for over 25 years. His first entrance into the field began as a behavioral health technician at the age of twenty, working in a partial hospitalization program while completing a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. After earning a Master of Arts in General Psychology, he received a second Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. Prior to his work with iRecovery, he has served as Chief Executive Officer of a full continuum treatment center, Clinical Director of a psychiatric hospital, Clinical Director of a private residential treatment center, and the Chief Clinical Officer of a treatment center for co-occurring disorders. Dr. Huttman has also maintained a private psychology practice throughout his career. He utilizes a warm, empathic approach to form a strong therapeutic alliance and work collaboratively with his patients. His style is eclectic, incorporating psychoeducation with components of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Mindfulness training. Dr. Huttman specializes in the treatment of addiction, substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders as well as acute psychological conditions, mood disorders, anxiety, and trauma. He combines formal training in psychotherapy and psychological assessment with over two decades of practical treatment experience within the full continuum of behavioral health services. He is passionate about the work he does and has a strong commitment to helping others.