Jacqui has experience working with individuals, groups, and families using a cognitive behavioral therapy approach. Group experience includes women's CBT groups and children's coping skills groups. Jacqui has a background working in-home with clients, teaching coping skills to manage symptoms caused by diagnoses. She is passionate about helping individuals live a happier, healthier life. Jacqui is a certified CBT Therapist and prefers to use a cognitive-behavioral approach with clients, focused on reframing their current thinking in order to cope with their diagnoses and learn proper coping skills. Negative thoughts will be challenged in sessions and a more positive way of living will be taught while examining the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Jacqui is currently not accepting new clients. Jacqui is a MNBBHT (Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy-approved supervisor. She has undergone 40 hours of supervision classes to obtain certification in supervision of licensed-bound mental health professionals. Jacqui enjoys providing supervision to her supervisees either on the individual or group levels. She has experience working with supervisees who are on track to obtain their LPCC (Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor) status. *Check with your board to determine if Jacqui's licensures (NCC, LPCC) are adequate for your board supervision requirements.