Do you find yourself feeling insecure and anxious, no matter what you do? You want to appear successful and put together, but deep down you are struggling to figure out who you are, cope with the chaos in your life, and work through a difficult past. The pressures of everyday life fill you with constant overwhelm, relationships feel distant and stressful, and your energy reserves have been depleted. You can hold it together and make it through the day, but by the time you get home you are exhausted. Cooking, dinner, socialization, and parenting seem like impossible tasks. You are ready to seize your life now, and for your future. I want to help you get there. Our relationship will develop over time and will set in motion your potential for insight and challenging inner work.Together we will figure out what you need & why. We'll jump start your ability to change and develop skills to navigate your emotions and relationships. You can count on me to be supportive, sympathetic, understanding, non judgemental and challenging. There will be laughter, tears, difficult conversations and insightful moments. I like to be as informal, authentic and honest as possible. I am professional in that I have the knowledge and skills to help you, however I am also laid back and down to earth.