There is no perfect being, relationship or parent. Once we get rid of damaging expectations in which we impose on ourselves or that have been imposed on us by others we began to understand who we are. Building or rebuilding a relationship with yourself enables you the ability to experience more meaning romantic, familial and peer relationships. You are not expected to be perfect, you are expected to show up! We are experienced team of Therapist with specific attention to individuals and Family. Family is an essential part in human development. Family is what shapes our beliefs and influences our choices. It is through family we learn how to love, interact and develop our expectations of others. Together you and your therapist will embark on a journey of Mental and/or Relational Maintenance. You will not be healed in one session, however for as long as you commit to doing the work for you we will be there to guide and provide you with support along the way. Let the healing begin!