A LITTLE ABOUT ME Life is difficult! Dealing with big feelings of grief, trauma, depression, and anxiety can be overwhelming. Navigating relationships can be tough. I know, I've been there myself. Are you tired of the mountain you've been pushing? I am here to come along side of you and climb it together. Others that know me will tell you that I am warm and caring. One of my passions is helping people make sense of their confusion through education, gentle guidance, and encouragement. We may cry together, confront feelings of anger, or even laugh a little along the way. My ultimate goal is to help you find your hope. "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." - C.S. Lewis TO MY CLIENTS If you're considering taking the next step by reaching out, I congratulate you. Be ready to do the work! Therapy is not a passive experience. Together we are going to uncover your strengths and peace. Give me a call or send me an email if that’s more convenient. I look forward to connecting with you soon! "We cannot become what we want, by remaining what we are." -Max Depree