Mental health is health! Therapy is a life changing and life saving decision for a lot of people. Welcome to my website. My name is Eliza Monteverdi. I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and a Certified Partner Trauma Therapist. I have been working in private practice since 2017. My expertise is in relationship and addiction recovery. I am passionate about walking you through the restoration and recommitment to the yourself, relationships and your life. My therapeutic services can help you build deeper connections, create sustainable boundaries and strengthen self-trust. Progress in therapy is highly dependent on the client’s ability to form a personal and genuine relationship with the therapist. Given this belief, I am committed to remaining compassionate, transparent & professional during our time together. I believe in taking a collaborative approach to helping you reach their goals. Determining your therapeutic fit is essential to getting started on your health journey. I offer a free 10 minute consultation for you to get a better sense of what our work together could feel like. I am here to answer any questions about therapy and share more about how I can specifically help you given my extensive experience and specialized training. The areas I feel most confidence and equipped to help clients in are: Empaths/Sensitive People, Partners of Sex Addicts, Betrayal/Infidelity, Eating Disorder Recovery & Christian/Faith Related Issues.
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