You’ve looked at the clock five times in the past 10 minutes, because even though it’s 9:30am, the stress of work, the constant pounding in your head, and the ever-present uneasy feeling make you wish you could crawl right back into bed. But you don’t want to go home either - home means the same arguments with your partner, the same fights with your kids, and it feels like a never ending cycle. The family is in distress. There is so much resentment. It often feels like you and your partner are reluctant roommates instead of a romantic couple, because there isn't much time for anything but the mundane daily tasks of the home - empty the dishwasher because even though you asked, it didn’t get done. Argue about who forgot to bring the trash out. You love your partner, but it feels like you’ve drifted further and further apart - scrolling on your phones in bed before turning away from each other and going to sleep. You realize that you can’t really remember the last time you had a conversation that wasn’t about the kids, or the chores, or the bills. While the day creeps on slowly and painfully, you blink and your alarm is going off. Your head still pounds, your heart feels heavy, and the burden of exhaustion remains after restless sleep. You desperately want things to get better, but you feel lost. I want you to know that I see you, I hear your pain and how tired you are. I know how hard it is to find a place to start, and how difficult it is to even find the energy or motivation to do something when it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Maybe you daydream about how things used to be, or maybe you fantasize about a happier future. You see patterns in your life repeating, but you don’t know how to interrupt them. The thing is, you found your way here, and that is your amazing and brave first step. You’ve found your way to someone who specializes in breaking problematic cycles, creating meaningful change, and supporting you in cultivating a beautiful, fulfilling, energizing life - the life that you deserve. It would be an honor to be a part of your journey. I know it can be scary to reach out for help. When you’re ready, I’m here. Elisabeth is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Associate (LMFT-A), with a Master of Family Therapy degree from Southern Connecticut State University. She works with couples and families, as well as individuals, using the context of their current relationships and the many generations of family patterns before them to guide treatment. Her therapeutic practice is informed by current research, and grounded in her authentic warmth, curiosity, humor and hope.
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