Welcome! You have taken the biggest step to ensure your mental health is cared for and I am excited to help you reach ‘Beyond “your” Dynamic Potential’. Beyond Dynamic Potential. LLC is an African American, female owned clinical therapy practice excited to serve all populations no matter age, gender or sexual orientation. BDP is committed to creating safe and welcoming spaces for all to heal at their own pace. Let us support you along this journey.BDP offers individual, group, family and couples therapy to reach the WHOLE individual. We understand you are more than your mental health and would like to service all areas of your life. Cortney Jordan is a Licensed Graduate Professional Counselor joined the Beyond Dynamic Potential Team in the Summer of 2022. Cortney has over twenty years of experience in case management, school counseling, and intervention services in Washington, DC. She is very passionate about mental health and advocacy surrounding making quality services available to all communities. She creates a safe and inviting space for clients to grow and learn how to navigate through their personal journeys. She uses a person-centered approach and uses tools that are associated with CBT and DBT.