As a psychotherapist, I believe in human interactions as a powerful healing tool. I have been working as a therapist for 30 + years, having started my practice in Brazil, my country of origin, and practicing in the US since 2020. My work is based in Psychodynamic, Jungian Analytical Psychology, and I also provide trauma-informed care using EMDR as a therapeutic tool. My approach is mostly eclectic, meeting the client where they are at, and using evidence-based resources tailored to the client's needs. I see the human life as a journey, full of wonders and hardships, and it is an honor to help another person to find themselves in this journey, adding purpose and meaning to someone's life. In Jungian Psychology, we work with dreams, mythology, art, spirituality, and fairy tales, to help the client achieving understanding of the depth of human experience and finding the meanings they are searching for.