Hi there! I am so glad you are here. You have taken one step closer to feeling better. I am ready to walk alongside you to help get you unstuck and maneuver in this uncertain and imperfect world. No matter what you are dealing with, my focus is on whole person care recognizing the significant role mind, body, and spirit play in balancing, realizing, and optimizing well-being. I am passionate about helping you find your footing when things seem overwhelming, wholeheartedly believing that the challenges we all face can be catalysts for positive transformation. After discussing and discovering your unique set of needs, I am committed to utilizing individualized, well-researched, and proven therapeutic techniques to help you navigate your therapeutic journey. I will share real skills that you can take away and apply immediately that allow you to start living a life that runs towards your values and purpose. I know asking for help can be hard! If you have tried and are exhausted from living with and dwelling on worries, fears, self-doubt, feelings of unworthiness, relationship strife, or anything else you struggle with, there is a better way. I can't promise the road will be easy, but what I can say is that there is hope and the effort is worth it.