Hello! I’m Dr. Ashley Smith, a licensed clinical psychologist and self-proclaimed happiness quester. I have specialized in treating anxiety and obsessive compulsive spectrum disorders using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for more than a decade. While I truly love being able to help people within my clinical practice, there are so many more who are struggling. Part of my mission, therefore, is to reach beyond the walls of my office to spread helpful education and resources to anyone who is interested in learning more about mental health and wellbeing. To help reach more people, I co-founded Peak Mind: The Center for Psychological Strength (www.peakmindpsychology.com). We create digital resources and programs to make tools and information from the fields of Psychology and Life Design easily accessible. I’m also a frequent guest on the Building Psychological Strength podcast. I am passionate about sharing the principles of CBT, along with positive psychology practices and applied neuroscience, to help people break free from problematic symptoms and live more meaningful and satisfying lives.