Why am I feeling stuck in life? Do I feel disconnected with this world and others? Am I satisfied and happy with my situation, or with myself? Or are there too many tasks that I need to manage alone? If you are worried about these questions or feel overwhelmed by navigating your life, I’m here to support you, and we will figure it out together. My goal is to create a supportive and safe space where you can freely express yourself and talk about things that concern you. I aim to provide insights and different perspectives that help you understand and reframe your experience, and to live authentically to your choices and values. I'm dedicated to creating a safe space for you to be your authentic self. With mutual empathy, we will delve into different aspects of your life: childhood and adolescence, family dynamics, life transitions, and cultural and social values with trust and empathy. You'll understand how you've tried to thrive in your environments, relationships, and identity. Please feel free to be vulnerable, open, and be yourself. Because we are all humans who can make mistakes and bad choices. I'm genuinely curious about your life, and we'll work together to help you heal and grow from your experience. During this journey of self-discovery and healing, you will find peace within yourself and your place in the world.