Are you looking to get real results and make lasting change? Feeling anxious, depressed, overwhelmed? Experiencing the impacts of past losses or trauma? Having relationship difficulties? Struggling to stick with the goals you set for yourself? Whether you are hoping to resolve pain, discomfort, and despair or seeking authenticity, growth, and more satisfying personal outcomes, my goal is to give you the tools and emotional support necessary to move your life in a new direction. I balance intuition with over a decade of clinical experience to help you find your way to a more authentic and fulfilling life. My approach is compassionate, non-judgmental, honest ... and smart! I specialize in using only effective, evidence-based, action-oriented strategies to help you feel better. I have particular interest and expertise in working with women, and offer specialized treatment for those of you struggling with trauma related issues. If you have questions about what therapy will look like given your specific circumstances, I offer free email and phone consultations. Service are provided via telehealth/video.