>>>>>>>>>>> : <<<<<<<<<<<< You are the expert on you Everyone has the capacity to heal When one heals we all heal >>>>>>>>>>> : <<<<<<<<<<<< THE PRACTICE Alchemy Mental Wellness (AMW) is the Portland, Oregon area-based private mental health practice of Amanda Ichihashi Jagerman, LCSW, MSW. This woman of color-owned, trauma-informed, trauma-focused telehealth clinic provides individual psychotherapy that is personalized, collaborative, & creative. >>>>>>>>>>>> : <<<<<<<<<<<< THE FOCUS AMW focuses on treating women, POC, LGBTQIA folks, artists, activists, healers, helpers, survivors, seekers, & anyone who identifies as part of an oppressed or underserved group that has experienced trauma & endeavors to heal. This practice utilizes talk therapy, Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR), CBT, & DBT, Mindfulness, Jungian Psychology, Narrative Therapy & other modalities to treat conditions of PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, & Bi-Polar. >>>>>>>>>>>> : <<<<<<<<<<<< THE VIBE "The way you alchemize a soulless world into a scared world is by treating everyone as if they are sacred, until the scared in them remembers." - Sarah Durham Wilson >>>>>>>>>>>> : <<<<<<<<<<<< THE CLIENT PROMISE Alchemy Mental Wellness is a safe, confidential, respectful, anti-oppressive space centered around the Client's goals & strengths. Clients feel comfortable, supported, & empowered to tell their stories, process trauma, enhance self-knowledge, practice boundaries & skills, align with goals, speak their truth & wisdom, & synthesize life experiences as they move along their healing journey. >>>>>>>>>>>> : <<<<<<<<<<<< MEET AMANDA Amanda Ichihashi Jagerman (she/her) is servant & helper of humanity at this particular time. As a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), she serves the entire state of Oregon through her telehealth practice. After earning an honors BA from San Francisco State University she attended Portland State University's MSW program, where she was awarded the Laurels Graduate Award & the Marilyn R. Rich Scholarship before graduating with highest honors. A San Francisco Bay Area native, mixed race Asian/Jewish person, daughter of an immigrant, LGTBQIA ally, & visual artist, she values creativity, healing, diversity, social justice, & storytelling. Amanda has over 15 years experience working in non-profits focusing on youth development, art, & education for people of color, first & second generation Americans, and other underserved communities. She is also highly intuitive, empathic, clairvoyant, clairsentient, & holds strong interests in mysticism, spirituality, & healing of all kinds. In addition to training at the Veterans Affairs Hospital in Portland, Oregon she completed certified training in EMDR & is a non-denominational Reverend with an honorary Doctorate of Divinity degree from the Universal Life Church. As a therapist who has been in a lot of therapy herself, Amanda understands the need for a safe space with a safe person as well as warmth, client-centeredness, & humor in the theraputic relationship. Alchemy Mental Wellness (AMW) was established in February 2021 following the vision of a more personalized, flexible, & balanced mental health counseling experience for both Client & Therapist. In her free time, Amanda enjoys coffee, reading, crafts, badminton, & crystals. She grew her first tomatoes last year! >>>>>>>>>>>> : <<<<<<<<<<<< HOW I HELP I highlight & combine the Client’s innate strengths & therapy goals with traditional talk psychotherapy, evidence-based practices, skill-building, psychoeducation, my intuitive gifts & other modalities. Folks living with PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Bi-Polar, addictions, and other diagnoses are supported in learning & practicing tools, coping with symptoms, navigating changes & stress, addressing underlying trauma, & optimizing their lives & relationships. Our time together can be spent processing events, integrating new skills, grounding, enhancing body awareness, examining & updating thinking & behavior patterns, cultivating empathy for the self, exploring family dynamics, amplifying instincts, practicing boundaries, learning about the brain, cultivating self-worth, moving out of survival mode, accessing resources, soothing the hurt parts of ourselves, accessing the wise parts of ourselves, strengthening our inner care-giver, addressing addictions, processing grief, venting, laughing, drawing, brainstorming, problem-solving, criticizing cis-white-supremacist settler-colonialist capitalism, practicing visual meditation, pulling tarot cards, listening to your stories, inviting Ancestral energies to come forth, discussing your relationship & experiences with spirits, deities and plant allies without judgement. If you say you keep on pulling the 10 of Swords or that Mercury Retrograde is kicking your ass I'll know what you're talking about. We all possess healing capacity within & we all need support at different times along the healing path. The world can only be better when the people in it are in the process of personal healing & global evolution. >>>>>>>>>>>> : <<<<<<<<<<<< AN ALCHEMY APPROACH In a literal sense, alchemy it is the scientific/religious/magical process of transforming base materials (common, non-valuable matter) into an elixir of immortality or to make gold. Alchemy is also the precursor of modern chemistry, and for centuries in Europe, this word was interchangeable with any kind of scientific inquiry or experiment. The word ‘Alchemy’ possibly comes from the Arabic word “al-khimia,” meaning “black,” which references the black & fertile soil of Ancient Egypt. Others believe that it derives from the middle Chinese term "kiem-yak" meaning "golden liquor." Alchemy exists in some form in traditions of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, the Kabbalah in Judaism, Buddhism in India, Taoism in China, and the Medieval & Enlightenment Eras to name a few. In a psychological sense, alchemy is the capability to refine, transform, elevate, and merge human & divine consciousness. Through a variety of methods, which are as individual as a fingerprint, yet as universal at the Sun & Moon, the endeavor is to synthesize all aspects of the self & experiences (including the painful, shadowy, hidden, 'icky 'stuff) & transform them into the 'golden' lessons of wisdom & compassion. These inner treasures can be used as healing tools & medicine for both the individual & the collective. You have within you the seed of the exact kind of transformation your world needs. If alchemy means that we may accept & use those messy experiences, confusing & unpleasant emotions & hard-fought lessons to heal, we surely have no shortage of material to work with. >>>>>>>>>>>> : <<<<<<<<<<<< INSURANCE The networks I am in include: Pacific Source, Aetna, & Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon. I am not in network with OHP or any form of Medicaid or Medicare. Please inform Alchemy Mental Wellness you have both primary and secondary insurance. CLAIMS & VERIFYING BENEFITS Clients and potential clients are responsible for contacting their insurance company and/or reviewing their written policies to verify benefits both before commencement of services and at the start of every calendar year. Clients are financially responsible for anything insurance doesn't cover such as co-pays, office visit fees, & deductibles. Therefore, it is ultimately the Client's responsibility to verify that services are covered as in network services, & to ask their insurance about deductibles, co-pays, co-insurances, office visit fees, pre-authorizations, out of network benefits, etc. Please call to verify this afore-mentioned information with your insurance plan before your initial consultation. Alchemy Mental Wellness will submit claims to in network insurances on your behalf. SERVICES & SELF PAY CASH PRICES **MENTAL HEALTH THERAPY** Diagnostic Assessment: $225 50 minute Ongoing Counseling Sessions: $175 50 minute EMDR Sessions: $175 **CONSULTATION** 60 minute Private Practice Building Consultation for Therapists: $100 If you are someone with abundance & the ability to pay full cash prices (listed above) with ease, know that you are anonymously paying it forward to someone with intersectionality & need by helping to nourish & sustain the sliding scale option. SLIDING SCALE This practice sets aside a generous amount of sliding scale spots for folks with intersectionality and need. Please inquire about the sliding scale range. OUT OF NETWORK / SUPERBILL With Superbills, you pay up front at the time of service and I then provide you with an electronic Superbill (invoice for Mental Health service) that you submit to your insurance company for reimbursement and/or contribution to your deductible. Please call your insurance company to ask about out of network benefits for mental health providers for telehealth office visits (some plans cover up to 80% of the session cost) and what their reimbursement rates and process is regarding Superbills. Many clients are able to use their Flexible Spending Account or Health Savings Account as well. PAYMENTS I accept all major credit/debit cards. Secure payments are made through HIPAA-compliant practice software. PODCAST Listen to host Remy Ramirez of the Patrauma Party Podcast as she delves into various mental health topics with grit, compassionate personal storytelling, and humor along with guest speakers. She's welcomed me as a guest for these episodes: *Copy & paste the links below* Healing from Parentification I: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/24-healing-from-parentification/id1592792993?i=1000579051856 Healing from Parentification II: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/27-healing-from-parentification-ii/id1592792993?i=1000583540847 Healing from Emotional Flashback from CPTSD: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/thepatraumaparty/episodes/43---Emotional-Flashbacks-from-CPTSD-e254u97 Healing from Limerance: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/thepatraumaparty/episodes/67---Limerence--Romantic-Obsession-e2pt33t BOARD-CERTIFIED CONTINUING EDUCATION Early Childhood Trauma & Epigenetics Trauma-Focused CBT for Children & Adolescents CBT Theory & Interventions Women & The Bi-Polar Spectrum Trauma Screening & Assessment Intimate Partner Violence in Culturally-Diverse Groups Chronic Pain Wholistic Approaches & Psycho Education GOOD FAITH ESTIMATE If you are not using insurance, you have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” that approximates the out of pocket costs of medical and mental health care in a 12 month time period. You have the right to get this document before commencing treatment. For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises >>>>>>>>>>>> : <<<<<<<<<<<< ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am absolutely supported & guided in this work by the ancestors, particularly my Grandmothers & Great-Grandmothers. And my parents, who are themselves survivors who passed their strength & stories down to me. Alchemy Mental Wellness (AMW) acknowledges that the Portland, Oregon area is build on occupied land from of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Bands of Chinook, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other tribes who made their homes along the Columbia River. This practice supports the Indian Land Tenure Foundation, which helps Indigenous Nations to recover & hold sovereignty over their homelands. AMW is committed to anti-racism, anti-oppressive practice, and de-colonizing mental health in hopes of healthier people on a healthier planet. This practice stands in solidarity with the BIPOC community and supports the Black Resilience Fund, Defenders of Wildlife, & the American Civil Liberties Union. >>>> : <<<< Whoever is a Survivor Has been through Trial By Fire Whoever is a Seeker Now's the time to Be A Speaker Whoever is both All the better For a spell Let's walk it Together It's plain to see there's depth to the well It's clear to me you've got a tale to tell >>>>>>>>>>>> : <<<<<<<<<<<<
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