Hello! I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Kentucky. In practice I take a creative and holistic approach to each client. From my work I have learned that often our mental health symptoms manifest both mentally and physically. In treatment I will explore how your daily habits, past experiences, sleep, nutrition and exercise factor into your mental health. By taking this thorough approach I have seen my clients make fast and sustaining changes in their lives. Background: I have a degree in Marriage, Family and Community Counseling with undergraduate degrees in Art History and Psychology. Before moving to Louisville, I lived and worked in the San Francisco Bay Area teaching and counseling. During this time I had the opportunity to work with a diverse community and learn about a wide range of life experiences. Learning about other's experiences is one of my favorite things about being a therapist, and not to sound cheesy, but it's always an honor to go on this journey with you! In 2015 I relocated to Louisville and began practicing at Northstar Counseling Center, before moving out on my own. In 2020 I started a project called Mental Health Lou that serves as a community mental wellness hub (mentalhealthlou.com).