I’m a social worker and recovering journalist, whose life looks quite different from the one I imagined when I graduated from college. I’m also an imperfect parent of three daughters, a singleton with autism and neurotypical twins. I write about our own unexpected journey on my blog, Real World Autism. I hold a B.A. in American Studies from the University of Notre Dame. I worked at newspapers in Texas and Florida before I left journalism to pursue social work. I earned my MSW from Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida, and got my early experience providing individual and group therapy at an outpatient addiction facility and a social service agency before moving to Maryland. Within a year, I had newborn twins and an autism diagnosis for my oldest. I considered the next several years my bonus internship. By the time the twins started kindergarten, I had taken crash courses in advocacy, juggling professionals, understanding medical and educational jargon, and behavior management, none of which were skills I imagined I'd need when I rocked my babies to sleep. I've been a frequent flyer at support groups since the beginning of my journey as a special needs parent, first as an attendee and then as a coordinator. I also managed to squeeze in some work as a school social worker, primarily in inner-city schools in Washington, DC.