At Hummingbird, our clients are looking to grow in strength and internal coping skills to help them overcome identified dysfunctions in thinking and behaving. Those with histories of trauma, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, domestic abuse, and stress management issues and who want to change negative thoughts and patterns of reacting in order to meet interpersonal, romantic, or professional goals would benefit from working with our therapists. We believe our job is to help you find patterns of behaviors the client has identified as negative and help unravel common triggers to help the client better prepare for future situations of stress. The client is the expert. We offer a safe place to explore vulnerable and uncomfortable thoughts so that together, we can find ways to break negative patterns. A wise person knows themselves. Knowing you need support shows strength already, though you may not even realize it. Unfortunately, no one is able to leave the past behind - learning to carry the past and not feel the constant weight of it is the path to healing.